Sanitary Napkins at affordable prices

Sanitary Pads

I hate that time of the month. Periods- such a pain, nobody likes them. I dispise visiting the store to buy sanitary napkins and sanitary pads. People look at me weird, like I am carrying something dangerous or endangering a tiny puppy. I have to buy extra stuff I don't even want to so I could buy my sanitary pads and sanitary napkins. Why should I waste extra money on bubble gum, tooth picks, and bleach if I only want to buy feminine pads and other personal stuff. Why does the checkout person always look at me like I did something illegal in the bakery aisle? Did I do something bad and forget about it? When I was a young lady my mother would go to the store and buy my sanitary pads and sanitary napkins because I was too scared to ride the bus to go buy them. I didn't want to spend 17 hours on a bus to drive into town. Go into the store, then have to go wait outside for several hours, sometimes 18 hours, just to get back on the darn bus. It was nice of her to drive me some days so I could get my personal items. I wish she was still around to drive me to the store to buy my sanitary pads and sanitary napkins- I wish I was still only 41 and living at home. Now I am 74 and I have to do my own shopping. Boy do I hate shopping for personal items. Sometimes I go online and order my personal items so I don't have to leave my home and do it on my own. It scares the Jesus out of me to leave the home- some people call it agoraphobia I just call it not wanting to leave the home and go out and hang out in public with people I do not know.

Back to my story. When I was really a girl I used to drive a motorcycle to the grocery store to obtain my tampons and pads- preferable sanitary napkins and sanitary pads. Those seem to be the only ones mother natures likes me to use. I wish mother nature was not so mean. She comes around once a month and beats me and really really hurts my stomach- super rude. One day when I am the president of the word I will make all periods and feminine hygiene disappear. I told my grandma that when she was around and she said that if periods disappeared we would all be men. I thought about being a man once but decided it was not for me. I should call my grandma and tell her I am sorry and want all periods, feminine hygiene and sanitary pads and sanitary napkins back. She would probably do that as she did not take them away. Joke is on her- I still have a use for sanitary napkins and sanitary pads.


Tired of going to your local grocery store for your Sanitary Napkins from Kotex, Always and from all your other favorite brands? We make ordering your feminine hygiene as simple as adding to your cart. simply search our site, find you favorite Playtex, Kotex, Always, and Stayfree brands for Sanitary Pads - add them to the cart, pay us, and receive your items.

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